Donations help us to support people in Home4U accommodation by paying for rent, food, a weekly personal allowance of £30, utility bills and other essentials. Donations also help us pay for activities that enrich the lives of our beneficiaries. For example, we organise workshops that teach our residents new skills and day trips so our residents can explore Wales and its culture. If you would like to support our residents, please click on 'Donate Today' and be directed to our Give as You Live page.
Give as You Live will allow you to give a one-off donation, a monthly
donation or you can raise money for free by doing your online shopping at over 5000 stores, including Tesco, M&S, ASOS, River Island, and many more.
Home4U relies on the commitment and dedication of volunteers!
We have several volunteer opportunities such as helping with decorating and furnishing properties, befriending and offering 1-2-1 support to a resident, and interpreting in diverse languages such as Farsi, Arabic, Kibajuni, Amharic and more!
Our Key Workers play a fundamental role in the individualized support of one allocated resident. Key workers will maintain contact with a resident, help them to navigate Cardiff and encourage them to engage in an empowering plan for the future.
If you would like to join our team, please contact either:
"Volunteering with Home4U is a wonderful opportunity. I learn from the residents and the team all the time and am grateful that my shared time genuinely helps a person."

"Without charity, we cannot survive. We will have no where to sleep, nothing to eat, no money to live!" - Home4U resident
Charities like Home4U and many others play a fundamental role in influencing the lives of refugees and people seeking asylum to ensure their rights are met in the UK and across the world. While providing shelter, food, money and support is impactful, real change happens in Governmental law and policy.
The Welsh Government has pledged to be a Nation of Sanctuary for all who seek sanctuary and this is a wonderful step in the right direction. However, there is lots of work to do to support refugees and people seeking asylum in Wales and throughout the UK. Home4U supports action that advocates for the rights and wellbeing of refugees and people seeking asylum.
You can help us by helping organisations and coalitions that we are part of or support. You can do this in several ways! You can sign petitions in support of people's right to work while in the asylum system, write to your local MP to oppose the Anti-Refugee (Nationalities and Borders) Bill, join coalitions to show that you stand in solidarity with refugees.
Follow the links below to support nation-wide organisations who campaign for a kinder approach to asylum within UK policy.